当然,作为一种习惯,汉英双语“禁止乱扔垃圾“、"请勿扔垃圾"、“勿乱扔杂物”、“请勿乱扔废弃物”等标识,也相应地要存在很长一段时间。不过,这些词的译法却惊人的统一,基本上是用“Don't litter”或“No Littering”一词。
在英国英语,名词”tip"原是“扔(倒)垃圾的地方”即“垃圾场”,或是“a dump for refuse, as that from a mine“(废弃物,如矿渣)。例如,在柯林斯在线词典里,就有如下的句子:
Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip.
I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.
People have been tippting heir rubbish in this field.
——Chambers Universal Learner's Dictionary
The dustmen tipped the rubbish on the municipal dump.
We live in a street off Soho Road and there's rubbish tipped everywhere.
How do you stop people tipping?
正如陈中诚老先生所述”‘Tip’[ 即"倒(扔)垃圾”]而得其所,因不失为行为美——讲卫生嘛。但是如果不得其所,那就得在“tip"之前以“fly"即”fly-tip"亦即“乱倒(扔)垃圾“的恶习“。英国政府仍然专门对此加以了定义,强调了其”违法“的内含:Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. 这个也在柯林斯在线词典里可以找到:the deliberate dumping of rubbish in an unauthorized place.
”We weepthe roads ourselves, but people come and fly-tips," he claimed.
——South London Press, August 28, 1981
此外,在Urban Dictionary 也能找到相应的例句:
The contractor was fined for fly tipping the leftover building supplies in a field down the road
这个动词还有一个名词形式,fly-tipping。根据牛津在线字典的解释,这词的意思是“illegally leaving things that you do not want next to a road, in fields, in rivers, etc“,即所谓的非法乱扔垃圾了。维基百科则扩展了一个牛津的解释:
The term fly tipping is derived from the verb tip, meaning "to throw out of a vehicle" and on the fly, meaning "on the wing" – to throw away carelessly or casually.强调了扔东西行为的无意或随意。
那么,“乱倒垃圾”的人,又该怎么说呢?按英语造词法,自然是在动词fly-tip后加上个表示施动者的后缀“-er”。柯林斯在线词典的解释是:a person who deliberately dumps rubbish in an unauthorized place。同时,它还强调:Please remember that fly-tippers are doing something illegal.例如:
People round here are blaming us for the piles of rusbbish around the site, but hose are not ours, they ar put here by fly-tippers。
--West Norwod News, August 28 1981, p.30
在大城市里,尤其是在高层建筑里,有一些住房有时仍然习惯于住平房时行为,随手往家门外扔东西——脏东西都扔外面了,自家自然就干净了。按陈老先生的话来说,就是”老老实实下楼来乱倒垃圾的勤快人也相应地少见了。取而代之的是一种更先进的办法即直接法——直接从高层上倾倒下来“。这种动作在英语里有一个专门的词,叫作“寄航空信”,即“to airmail”。在以下两个全例句里,使用了airmail和spat两词,让这种行为显示好有气概,同时也让人看得身临其境。
Tenants are afraid to go down, so they airmail their trash.
——National Geographic, July 1977, p.79
Spat! More rained down from an open window.
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